
而不是, the focus is on doing work that is more engaging, 包括与你有才华的同龄人互动,并在课堂和现实世界之间建立清晰的联系.

除了和优秀的学生一起上激动人心的课, 荣誉课程还具有荣誉课程的学生与教师比例低的特点, priority registration to ensure you get the best schedule for your needs.

在你的成绩单和毕业典礼上获得荣誉项目参与者的认可,并在转到大学时享受奖学金机会和竞争优势. Participants also enjoy social events and travel opportunities for local, state and national student conferences.

Students in our Honors classes year have:

  • 在环境科学荣誉课程中,在当地森林保护区修复本地植物物种
  • 调查学生在荣誉心理学和荣誉概率与统计课程上的动机,并在伊利诺斯荣誉委员会会议上发表调查结果
  • 访问ed Argonne National Laboratory in Honors Chemistry
  • 在芝加哥市中心参加了世界级的戏剧表演

The 荣誉项目 accepts new students year-round.

Admission Criteria for Entering Freshman

Meet two of the four requirements:

3.2 high school GPA minimum composite ACT score of 25
At least a “B” or a 4 in an AP course or exam
Top 10 percent of high school class

Incoming freshman honors application

Admission criteria for Current Students

You need to have completed 9 credit hours of coursework with a minimum 3.2累积绩点. For program admission, 学生与荣誉项目经理会面,填写一份简短的申请,并了解更多关于荣誉项目如何适合他们的整体教育计划和目标. 访问 MVConnect for more information about how to apply.

一旦你被录取,你就可以注册列出的课程. Enrollments are limited to 20 or 25 students per section.

Each semester, the 荣誉项目 offers a diverse range of courses. 鼓励学生使用时间表提前计划,这样他们就可以每学期至少修一门荣誉课程. 他们参加的荣誉课程可以帮助他们在副学士学位的各种通识教育要求领域获得学分.

bio - 112 - 160普通生物学II周一和周三9-11:45 a.m.G. 伯纳德
com - 102 - 160作文二世周一和周三2:30-3:45 p.m.E. DeVillez
com - 103 - 160语音基础 在线在线D. 琼斯
- 101 - 160Western Civilization I星期二和星期四12:30-1:45 p.m.J. 麦金太尔
- 227 - 160文学作为电影星期二和星期四2-3:15 p.m.S. 邦迪
m - 151 - 160Calculus II/Analytic Geometry在线在线B. Kurth
φ- 101 - 160Introduction to Philosophy星期二和星期四9:30-10:45 a.m.A. 史密斯
小组- 104 - 160Life-Span Developmental Psychology混合动力Noon-12:50 p.m.M. 贝克

bio - 111 - 160普通生物学I周一和周三9 - 11:45 a.m.K. Borgstrom
com - 102 - 160作文二世在线在线E. DeVillez
com - 103 - 160 语音基础星期二和星期四11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.K. Appelquist
m - 152 - 160Calculus III/Analytic Geometry在线在线B. Kurth
psc - 110 - 160American National Government星期二和星期四12:30 - 1:45 p.m.D. Schreck
小组- 101 - 160Introduction to Psychology星期二和星期四2 - 3:15 p.m.N. Shizas
- 107 - 160电影欣赏在线在线M. 香农

What is the Moraine Valley 荣誉项目?

这是一条专门为成绩优异的学生设计的学术道路. 重点课程的荣誉部分强调批判性思维和创造性解决问题的解释能力. Your love for learning is nurtured throughout the program, giving you a rewarding experience that prepares you for the future.

My goal is to transfer to another school with a high GPA. Why would I want to take honors classes?

因为你的评分标准和传统课程是一样的. 你会在课堂内外有不同的经历,这些经历会向你转学的学校证明,作为一名大三学生,你已经具备了在那里取得成功的条件.

What are some other advantages?

你也会得到帮助,建立一个投资组合,帮助你毕业后转到四年制学校. 此外,还有与其他荣誉学生和教职员工的社交活动.

How will honors courses be different from traditional ones?

Honors courses don't simply "pile on" additional work. The work itself is different because the population of learners, of which you will be a part, 有不同的需求. 例如, in a class that might typically involve a good deal of lecture, you might find much more interaction between yourself, other students and the instructor. 如果一个传统的班级通常通过多项选择考试来评估学生, 你会发现荣誉部分会采用一种不同的方法来评估你所学的知识, such as through a portfolio of your work. 另一个不同之处在于你会对自己的学习更负责(没有测验来测试你是否阅读了这一章), 这种责任带来了一些额外的好处:你可以教别人, 例如, or provide input into the design of the course itself. 如你所见, 荣誉和非荣誉的区别是质的而不是量的.

How else will honors courses be different from traditional ones?

Honors courses will have smaller enrollments.

Do I have to take all the honors classes that are offered?

No. 在毕业前完成19个荣誉学分(包括完成至少一个学习社区)的学生被认可为荣誉计划学者. 学生可以完成最少9个荣誉学分,以获得荣誉课程参与者的认可.

What are the qualifications for becoming an honors student?

If you are just entering Moraine Valley, 你需要满足以下两个要求才能参加荣誉课程:

  • a 3.2平均绩点 from your high school
  • an ACT score of 25, or SAT score of 1050 (composite)
  • completion of at least one AP course with an A or B (AP score 4)
  • graduation in the top 10 percent of your high school class

If you are a current student, 您需要满足以下先决条件才能参加荣誉课程:

  • Nine hours of coursework completed at the college level with a 3.2平均绩点
  • Or, a letter of recommendation from your instructor.

I've taken advanced placement classes in high school. How will I know how many credit hours I can earn?

冰碛谷将根据在大学预修考试中获得的分数授予学分. 当前的等同物由记录和注册部维护.

Does Moraine Valley provide any recognition to 荣誉项目 students?

是的! You'll receive special recognition on your college transcript. 当你准备转到四年制学院或大学时,这当然会对你有好处. 除了, 荣誉项目的毕业生在学院的年度毕业典礼上得到表彰.


You'll need to fill out the college admission form first. Then fill out the separate application to the 荣誉项目. As part of our application process, 你需要向我们出示证明,证明你符合入学要求. Once you do that, you'll be eligible to register for honors courses.

What are the deadlines for submitting an application?

Because the college has open enrollment, 你可以在申请大学的同时提交荣誉课程的申请. Enrollment in honors courses is limited, so the sooner you apply, the sooner you'll be able to register.

Are there any special fees attached to these classes?

No, the regular tuition rates apply for the Honors courses.

Who can I contact for more information?

电子邮件 honors@speckythirdeye.com 或打电话 (708) 608-4191.


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